August 2014

  • here’s our front-line report from the Day of Action at Whole Foods in Cleveland — pointing a finger at Whole Foods selling our friends for FOOD!
  • we are up to our ears in foster buns. These adorable bunnies are in need of permanent homes. Meet Tobey, Jessica, and Kia.
  • cuteness times seven!  Babies from a rescue in Indiana are eager to grow up in your home. The Indiana Babies are two boys and five girls — and one has a bunny marking on the nose. Can you see which one?
  • the national House Rabbit Society is coordinating a Day of Action Focused on Whole Foods: August 17.  Join in to express your distaste for the decision by Whole Foods to sell rabbits for meat.

The Indiana Babies

Meet The Indiana Babies!  Just after Easter, a female bunny was dumped on the porch of a local cottontail rehabber in Indiana only to give birth to eleven kits a few days later.  Seven of the babies survived and five have been with BHRS since they were three weeks old.  It has been such a joy to watch them grow.  This batch of baby buns are now three months old and will be ready for adoption soon after they are old enough to be spayed and neutered.

Dazey – black; Nikki – Dutch; Karley – Californian; Bunny – Californian; Lindsay – Californian

* One has a unique marking on the nose. Depending how you look at it, you will either see the head\face of a rabbit or the back profile of a bunny (aka bunny-butt).  Can you identify which bunny has the marking?

Here are Dazey and Nikki.

Please contact Sue Zimmerman .img@.img 419-355-8433

Karley, Bunny, and Lindsay!
ICYMI — The bunny with the bunny marking is … Bunny!

Day of Action Focused on Whole Foods: August 17

Rabbit protection groups around the country are planning on coming together to tell Whole Foods Market what rabbit lovers really think about Whole Foods’ decision to start selling rabbit meat in their stores.

This peaceful leafleting/protest is being coordinated by the House Rabbit Society.  Find out much more at’s Day of Action.  For details about our Day of Action in Ohio, please contact Stephanie Lodge.  .img@.img
