
Rachel Levy and her bunny, Buttercup, have welcomed Fred (renamed Ollie) into their family where he and Buttercup have become best friends.

Fred is a gray agouti mini-rex (with a white belly).  We nicknamed him “Mr. Good Bunny” as he is so gentle and laid back.  He will let you hold him for long periods of time.  Can you give him forever?

As a graduate of the Sandusky County Twelve, he is one happy outcome of all the goodwill and giving from our supporters.  Thank you!

This bunny in BHRS foster care needs a permanent home.  All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.


Little Garfunkel (now Rocky) has been adopted by Matt Grabnic.  Matt reports that Rocky is doing fantastic in his new home.

Garfunkel may be small in stature, but he is big in attitude.  This solid black Netherland Dwarf has no idea that he is a really small bunny (please don’t tell him).  He LOVES to explore and climb up on top of things just to show off.  He will greet you every day at the door to his pen and expects you to pet him right away.

This bunny in BHRS foster care needs a permanent home.  All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.


Lolly Pop has found the perfect forever home!  Kyra, her new mommy, is simply thrilled with her beautiful, loving daughter.  Lolly has even made new friends with a cat (Bungee) and a bird!

Lolly and Bungee

Lolly is a gorgeous eleven-pound bunny who is slightly shy at first, but with love and snacks, comes around quickly.  Her fur style is on point with its natural ombre effect.  She also has her own built-in head rest (dewlap).  This pretty girl can never get enough pets.

This bunny in BHRS foster care needs a permanent home.  All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.

Help us Help an Overflow

Update, January 9, 2017 — Greyson is the first of the Sandusky County Twelve to find a family. He is happily hopping around the home of his new parents, Rich and Donna Brady. In the photo below with the mom and babies, he is the gray little one.

Out of the Court and, with your Help, into a Home


In June, we were contacted to see if we could help with a cruelty case in Sandusky County involving twelve seized rabbits, including a mom with four babies.  There are two Flemish Giants, one Dutch boy, and the rest are all small Rex buns with a variety of colors.  After moving some of our existing fosters to other foster homes (thank you!!), we squeezed them in.  Tied up in the legal system, we were unable to alter or adopt out any of these rabbits until they were surrendered five months later.


During the holding time, the babies aged enough that they all had to be moved to individual housing, using up even more precious area for other fosters.  Since these rabbits are using nearly all of our housing space, we’ve had no room for stray intakes.  Of course, un-altered rabbits tend to be less than neat and have poor litterbox habits … and these guys are exceptional urine sprayers, hence much time is spent on cleaning.  However, everybun is healthy and friendly now and the process of getting them altered has begun.  Clearly, this will be a long and expensive process!  Can you help them – and us?  Click to donate directly for them.


Please contact Sue Zimmerman .img@.img 419-355-8433

These bunnies in BHRS foster care need a permanent home. All BHRS rabbits are (or will be) spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.