
Adeline (affectionately known as a T-Rex bunny) is in the process of being bonded to Louise Bailor, former BHRS foster.  Addy and Louise are still figuring out the relationship, but their mom, Kennedy, is on cloud nine!

Adeline was left at a vet’s office, but she is now ready for her forever home.  She is a lovey bunny who enjoys giving kisses.  She might be part T-Rex since her right front paw bends in.  This does not stop her from loving life.

This bunny in BHRS foster care needed a permanent home.  All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.


Samson, now Harvey (named after the movie, not the hurricane), has found his forever home with Sarah Rex — now he is a double Rex!  Harvey is happily broadening his horizons with all the fresh herbs & veggies that Sarah grows in her garden.

Samson is a young mini-rex male from the Sandusky County Twelve.  He’s active and friendly and likes to play with his cardboard box.  Samson will make a perfect addition to your home.

This bunny in BHRS foster care needed a permanent home.  All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.


Chuck has been adopted by Jennifer Streaker and family.  He was snatched up so fast we couldn’t get him on the web first!  (That’s the way we like it)

This bunny in BHRS foster care needed a permanent home. All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.


Jennifer and Isaac Douglass have adopted Butterscotch (now Rainbow) and bonded her with their bunny, Thunderbolt.  (Butterscotch is the big bun on the left)

This bunny in BHRS foster care needed a permanent home. All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.