
Winifred has been adopted by Tammy Means and bonded with her husBUN, Peter.  The happy couple reside in Rockford, Ohio.

Winifred is very social and enjoys kisses on her forehead.  She loves her hay but her favorite activity is tossing her cardboard box around.

This bunny in BHRS foster care needed a permanent home.  All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.

Photo Contest Results

Congratulations to our 2019 Buckeye Bunny Photo Contest winner with 138 votes: Ashton Rodriquez! 🏆

Her winning picture of Charlie in her pink cowgirl hat is the clear winner and she won a beautiful set of bunny glasses.

Congrats to our runners up who will receive a Starbucks gift card and bunny treats:

⭐️ 2nd: Ashley Chesnut with photo of Tux, and Bow with 77 votes.
⭐️ 3rd: Tracy Wiczer with husbun and wife, Babbitty and Dexter with 75 votes.
⭐️ 3rd: Megan Metzger’s photo of Emmy, also with 75 votes.

Thank you all for your contributions and for participating!

The prize
Tux and Bow
Dexter and Babbitty

Click to see the original announcement with the contest description.

Jellybean Truelsch

Jelly Bean has found his forever family in the Holden homestead.  Kids Ben, Emma, and Tucker are thrilled with their new little brother, and Jelly Bean is loving his new stylish house with room to roam.

Jellybean Truelsch is a young, energetic guy who wants to cuddle.  He is always exploring, which lends well to meeting new people.  We promise that you will find love at first sight!

Jellybean was chosen for a Name Our Next Foster Rabbit donation by David Truelsch.  Thank you, David!

This bunny in HRS foster care needed a permanent home.  All HRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.



Mary has FINALLY found her forever home.  Jess, Brandon, Brandon Jr., Devin, and Wyatt love their new big bunny!  Mary is still trying to woo her potential husbun, Cadbury, but with time we suspect they can work it out.

Mary is extremely outgoing and friendly.  She is our resident goof-ball and is quite entertaining. >>add link

This bunny in BHRS foster care needed a permanent home.  All BHRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.