
Toasty found his forever home and even has a girlfriend now. Olivia & Luis (humans) and Irene (bunny) are delighted with their new addition. Toasty has completely transformed into a new bunny. Instead of cowering and scared, he is confident and happy. Thank you Olivia for accepting him into your family.

Toasty is a man that has come a long way. his name was given to him affectionately to reflect his difficult past. He is an exploder that will keep you on your toes. Since he is still a teenager he has a hard time sitting still for pets but once he settles down he’s a lover.

Pookie Zimmerman

Pooky Zimmerman now Cleo has been adopted by the most amazing bunny family. Cleo now has a “husbun” named Pickles and humans that adore her even when she’s naughty. Congratulations to Ann-Marie & Mike!! Also thank you for opening your hearts and rescuing another foster from BHRS.


Briley found her forever home in record time. Her new dad is so happy about her arrival that her pen takes up half the living/dining room. Briley wasted no time getting comfortable and showing off some world class binkies. Her new dad even created a portrait of Brinley using cartoon vector art, she loves the spotlight. Congratulations Matt Chitester!

Briley is a loving young lop who just adores people and attention. She especially enjoys kisses and pets on top of her head. Briley is very active and curious as she explores her toys and cardboard boxes.

lease contact Stephanie Lodge .img@.img 216-571-1088

This bunny in HRS foster care needs a permanent home.  All HRS rabbits are spayed/neutered, litterbox-trained, and socialized.


Gilda now Lavender went from unwanted to adored in a matter of weeks. Despite having a former home that didn’t appreciate her, she is not holding it against all humans. Instead she loves being held and cuddled which we all know is a rarity in the world of rabbits. Ava, Angie and the rest of the family are in love.