Category: Adopted
George has a new home with Gage Gaspar and also a new bunny friend, Molly. The buns bonded quickly and are doing well.
Meet George! This handsome boy is searching for his forever home after being stuck in foster care due to a long court case. George is a friendly guy enjoys the company of humans. He loves exploring and can’t wait to finally find a home to call his own.
Pearl fell head over paws for her new husBUN, Bingo. The newlyweds happily reside in the home of Maddy Ward where they will live happily ever after.
Pearl is a young female with a heart of gold. She was found outside in the blistering cold weather and even survived the February snow storm. Pearl needs love and patience as she is learning to trust humans. She may do well with another bunny friend or as a single bun where she is the center of attention.