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The Buckeye House Rabbit Society
Bunny Sitters!
The following members are interested in bunny sitting, either for a fee or in exchange for reciprocated services. We'll update this list periodically, so if you'd like to be included, please contact us (). This is a service provided by Buckeye members for Buckeye members. If you want to join in ... please join the Buckeye House Rabbit Society. You should be at least 21 years old to request a listing here. Thank you for following these guidelines.
Note: Rates and experience vary, so we urge you to interview prospective sitters carefully and be personally comfortable with the terms of their agreement. The Buckeye HRS holds no liability for bunny sitters. We maintain this list simply as a courtesy to our membership.
Kathleen Harpley Nannimal -- Animal Nannies Akron, Fairlawn, Richfield OH 330-668-2273 Kharpley@adelphia.net |
Daria Sharman Ann Arbor MI 734-222-3175 dsharman@engin.umich.edu |
Linda Gardner Aurora OH 330-467-7200 (W) 330-995-9610 (H) lgardner@avatarms.com |
Cynthia Hatfield Beachwood OH phone: 216-766-5716 cell: 216-571-6707 fax: 216-766-5796 chatfield@cpahatfield.com www.cpahatfield.com |
Kristi Cole Canton OH 330-484-8416 |
Kelly Montana HARE CARE 24-Hour Bunny Boarding In My Home Cincinnati OH (Park Hills KY) (859) 415-1754 wabbitwoman@twc.com |
Megan Barrett Cleveland OH 216-635-1331 Princess44144@aol.com |
Stephanie F.
Lodge The Bunny Lodge sfalodge@gmail.com 216-571-1088 Cleveland West OH |
Jacqueline Bayer,
Owner LUV YOUR PET Professional Pet Sitting Service Columbus OH (southeast side only) *pet sit in your home, no boarding 614-231-1935 luvyourpet@columbus.rr.com www.luvyourpet.org |
Marcia Wilson Columbus OH 614-790-3476 mrwilson@ashland.com |
Brandy Wright Dayton (Kettering) OH 937-623-2321 bw6232321@yahoo.com |
Dawn Nolan Detroit MI area 248-506-0730 abnrmlisme@yahoo.com |
Shawnna Lemerise Fairlawn OH 440-309-8378 slemerise09@jcu.edu |
Linda Sigismondi Gallipolis OH 740-446-9244 lsigis@zoomnet.net |
Heather Evert Marshallville OH 330-631-7378 heatherevert@ohio.net |
Amy Hunt Mason OH 513-229-7379 mrsamyhunt@yahoo.com |
Jean Eash Massillon OH 330-837-1183 eash@att.net |
Laura & Jim Gills Mentor OH 440-639-9905 lgills@ncweb.com |
Richards PetSitters Mentor OH 440-205-0671 PetsittersCo@aol.com www.petsittersco.com |
Jennifer Wahl Judge's Park Animal Rescue and Pet Sitting New Wilmington PA 724-272-0378 Azeem0510@yahoo.com www.petfinder.com/shelters/PA366.html |
Jacob and
Chrissie Brenenstuhl Parma OH 44134 216-224-5955 jdbandcdb@sbcglobal.net |
Emily Popp Salem OH 330-337-1472 (H) evergal1030@yahoo.com or huzzah1@core.com |
Christy Schroeter Uniontown OH 330-305-6712 cds@neo.rr.com |
This page is maintained by David Sharpe (www.ohio.edu/people/sharpe)
Please send comments to
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