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BUN Country Tag
Here's a bumper sticker for all citizens of RabbitLand
BUN Country Tag
(plus $0.50 shipping)
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Author Marinell Harriman discusses ways to keep rabbits healthy and happy in a human environment. A must-have for any home with a bunny. |
(plus $2.20 shipping as media mail)
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Rabbit-Imprinted Checks
Make a difference every time a check is written
Single style 200 checks $14.95 |
Duplicate style 150 checks $15.95 |
To order, visit the site for Animal Welfare Pet Checks at www.petchecks.com
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Rabbit Health in the 21st Century
This is a book about rabbit health from a caretaker’s perspective and is written for people with little or no medical or veterinary background. Rabbit Health in the 21st Century is not intended to ever replace a visit to a veterinarian. Its goal is to help rabbit caretakers play a more active, informed role in their rabbit’s health-care decisions. Rabbit Health in the 21st Century (Second Edition) is a 125-page professionally-bound book with more than 30 photos. It received a complete Medical Review from Noella Allan, DVM, one of Kansas City’s top rabbit specialists. Topics include:
Rabbit Health in the 21st Century
(plus $1.50 shipping as media mail)
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This page is maintained by David Sharpe (www.ohio.edu/people/sharpe)
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